save fuel consumption


Our product is generating and selling of CARBON CREDITS


  • Waste to Energy
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Waste Management and Avoided Landfill
  • Recycling
  • Water & Wastewater Efficiency
  • Forestry and Tree Planting Projects
  • Landfill Gas Electricity Generation
  • Renewable Energy Projects
  • Clean Energy Projects


    investment proposal


    Before we starts we analyze how much potentially you can sale and make you an offer how to generate the carbon credits at your production. All our solutions are based on unique technology that reduce the fuel consumption or increase the Energy Efficiency by production of energy at power plants or at oil refineries. Also the other partner can get benefit from our Energy Efficiency increasing, talk to us.

    Save fuel & generate the carbon credit for your business


    save petrol CO— and CO2— KILLS !


    (Companies who commit crimes against the environment and their leaders)

    There are many initiatives from the governments of industrialized nations; for example from the administration of US President Obama, but there are also many companies and governments worldwide who simply ignore the growing problems of environmental crimes and continue to allow production of the dangerous pollutants that cause widespread and irreversible damage to the entire planet. Here we ask you to post the list(s) of such criminals so the public can be informed about who are the MODERN CRIMINALS AGAINST HUMANITY.

    Please post the exact description of the criminals and their crimes, including:

    1. Company or entity you feel is responsible for the crime;
    2. or full name of the organization.
    3. The CEO or the leader of the company or entity.
    4. The officer who was informed about the solution to the problem, but did not act to correct it.
    5. The officer’s and company’s address, and location, and if possible URL and email.
    6. Country of the offending company.
    7. Have you tried to create a petition to change the offense?
    8. What are you going to do about the offense? (if not, do you want we help you?)
    9. A bit about the project you have proposed, or the incident that You believe has brought the crime to light.
    10. What is your proposal or idea to deal with the problem?

    Please try to be objective rather than emotional. Any kind of false accusation may unjustly damage the company’s | country’ reputation.



    STORM’s PROJECTS Sdn. Bhd.
    #17. Jln. KNMP 1, Kompleks Niaga Melaka Perdana
    75450 Bukit Katil, Melaka
    Phone # + 60 12 4351523
    Email: Malaysian Office —